Friday, June 1, 2007

My swingin' Angel

Oh my have I been busy this past week! Joe was off work on Monday for Memorial day and we stayed up late watching movies with the kids. Then I finally got my house totally clean and organized (which I have been working on for a long while) except for a few piles to take to the Salvation Army. Anyway, I am back and will be posting more frequently!

This is one I took on Memorial Day of Ava. We were all talking and doing our own thing so she decided to twist herself up this time. And she and Jolee also insisted on wearing angel and butterfly wings outside to play.

*75-300 mm lens
*Changed hue slightly to brighten up the grass and swing

This was taken on Monday also. Clinton and daddy just taking a walk.

*75-300 mm lens
*changed to black and white

Here are another set of before and after pictures. The before picture is a Peony that was in my MIL's garden. I loved the bright pink and how you could really see the veins of color in it.

And this is what it looked like after I changed the hue. It dulled the colors more but I really think it's as equally attractive as the first one, just in a different way.

I had to throw just one in of hubby's 2nd cousin Owen. Isn't he just the sweetest thing? That boy is all smiles! Ah, if I ever get to the point (wait, shouldn't I say WHEN) where I can make money from this I can't wait to take pics of all those little babies! I am so ready for my sister to have her baby (she is due in July) so I can photograph those tiny little toes!!!!!

1 comment:

Rose Ann said...

Heidi..all of your pictures are awesome again! I love your little Ava angel picture, and how much fun you can tell she's is having!

The black & white one is so cute as well (I love B&W pics), and Clinton looks so tiny and cute.)