Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Doggie Modification

Okay, first off, taking pictures of Jack Russell dogs is practically impossible. They are the most hyper dogs in the world! My in laws have 2, courtesy of my husband (before we were together) and they are not my most favorite creatures. My kids are energetic enough for me! I don't really need 2 hounds jumping up and down, and up and down, and up and....well you get the picture. Anyway, I wanted to try and get a few shots of them. I ended up taking about 60 pictures with less than a handfull actually looking decent. Did I mention they don't sit still!?

This is Jordin, she likes long walks down the sidewalk, steak, and is afraid of thunderstorms. Please call if you would like to get together. Sike!

I wanted to show the color tricks that you can do with your photo editing programs. I have a very basic program that I use. It is called Microsoft Picture It! Photo Preium 9. I think it actually came with the Windows XP. In other words, you probably have something equal, if not better than that on your computer at home so don't be afraid to try new things!

This is the before picture. I didn't need to modify it all.

*75-300 mm lens

Now this is the after version after I changed the hue to blue tones. You can change the hue to any color in the spectrum so if you wanted to make a silly card or scrapbook page for St. Patrick's Day, you could change the hue to green. It is very easy.

I did the same thing with this picture I took of an Iris. Here is the normal un-edited version.

*75-300 mm lens

And here is the version with the hue in turquoise (now that's my kind of flower!).

So, go pick out a photo that is waiting to be manipulated and see what you can come up with!

For good measure I just had to throw one in of my son when he was playing in the mud last week! He was covered from head to toe! You should have seen the bath water afterwards!

*75-300 mm lens

Have a Sweet Life!



Meli Palmer said...

I love the photo of your little boy....he looks adorable!

Unknown said...

Great photos Heidi!! Nice site too, I'll be watching! :)

Rose Ann said...

Very cool how you can change to blue. Love the Iris!

The picture of your son is so adorable! What a muddy little cutie!