Alright, so here I am, my first post on my brand new photography blog. I am going to have to much fun on here! I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I will! So here we go! Thanks for joining me for the ride!
I just recently got a Canon Digital Rebel XTi and am completely in love. It is crazy how a good camera can make you look at life so differently. And I have such a *Sweet Life*!
What you can expect on this blog is pictures from my life, the things around me, and things that I just find beautiful! I will also be telling as much as I can on what mode I took the picture in, what lenses I use, and how I edited the picture if there was any. I will try and pass on as many tips as possible to help you use your camera the best of your ability but the key to that is.......I have to learn too! This is all new to me so there is a lot I still have to learn!
If you just like to look at the pics then skip on by all of the details and just enjoy the view!
I do want to point out though that at the current time the only place I am really able to take photos are either at home or at MIL's house! It's a little difficult to venture off on a photography excursion when you have 3 rugrats pulling on your legs or running off when you have your back turned for a brief second! So, bare with me and my country life until I am able to venture out a little more (hopefully next month I'll get a free 'me' day).
Now on to my first picture post. I posted this one on my '
Sweet Somethings' blog but I wanted this to be the first one I posted here. I just absolutely love this picture! It is of my 3 kids sitting on a cement wall by our barn.
*Standard 18-55 mm lens.
*Cropped in Photostudio (yes, I know can you believe I don't have Adobe?! Soon!)
Both of the following photographs are from the Peony bush beside my porch. Normally they are full of several flowers but right before they bloomed my 3 year old picked every bud off but three! Ahhh! I look forward to those so much every spring! Oh well, at least I got 3, right?
*75-300 mm lens
*75-300 mm lens
*Close-up mode
This was taken in my MIL's garden. My husband picked out that stone cat for her as a present when he was little. It's special to her. I liked the weathered wood behind it.
*Standard 18-55 mm lens
*Converted to black and white
*Increased the contrast in Photostudio to enhance the darker sections
Well, hope you enjoyed these! I'll be seeing you soon! I still have to add all of the goodies to my sidebars and whatnot but everything will get done eventually!
Have a Sweet Life!